Welcome to the Gig Economy! (Infographic)

The gig economy represents a nontraditional, alternative way of working and it’s growing – fast. This freelance workforce is growing three times faster than the US workforce overall.

Gig work is more than just driving for Uber or Bite Squad deliveries. Gig workers, or freelancers, are those who engage in supplemental, temporary, and project or contract-based work. No two gig workers do it the same way. One may work part time at a start-up while also building a consulting business. Others may work full time then moonlight as a coder, sell their art on Etsy, or manage an AirBnB.

If you want to learn more, become a gig expert with our three part blog series:

Interested in trying out a gig? Our Seattle-based recruitment agency can help you find your perfect fit.